There are many benefits of home staging which are statistically proven to far outweigh the price of the investment in quality property enhancement. Home staging, as an industry, has been subjected to incredible amounts of statistical analysis and benefit testing and has shown itself to be one of the best all-around investments a seller can make in a marketable property.
Convincing a property owner that home staging is right for them is not difficult to do. In fact, common sense will allow them to make up their own minds about the many boons of property staging, once they know the facts for themselves.
This discussion extols the benefits of staging real estate before listing it for sale, using statistical evidence of the advantages imparted to staged residences.
Financial Benefits of Home Staging
The first and most easily recognized staging benefit is surely the technique’s ability to bring in higher and multiple offers on a property. In essence, using home staging strategies, you will make more money from the sale of your home.
Statistics show that properly staged homes sell for as much as 17% above the market value of a comparable unstaged piece of real estate. This is remarkable. Given an average house price of about $300,000, that is an extra profit of $51,000. This is amazing considering the cost of home staging is typically between 1% and 2% of the total home value. Even a far more conservative appreciation in value of 5% is an extra $15,000, profit, when the cost of the staging may only be $2000.
Remember that home staging fees and associated expenses are also tax deductible, making the actual price of staging even lower.
Timeline Benefits of Real Estate Staging
The second main home staging benefit is the ability to sell a property far faster than a comparable unstaged house. In fact, properly staged homes sell 2 to 2.5 times faster than unstaged real estate.
In a fast seller’s market, this can mean an incredibly quick sale. In a slower buyer’s market, this will at least give your property the edge over all the competition, making your home the first to sell, even when compared to properties which were listed long before your own.
Remember that the longer it takes to sell your home, the more money you have to pour into it in order to maintain the residence, including mortgage, taxes, utilities, repairs and general upkeep.
Tangible and Proven Benefits of Home Staging
My rule, when it comes to home staging, is do it however you want. You can chose a full home staging service, undertake DIY staging or hire a property staging consultant as a nice compromise. However, you can’t afford to not stage your home.
People who put off staging to save time or money virtually always regret their decision. In the end, their homes stay on the market for too long and they are forced to reconsider and finally properly prepare their properties after wasting months, or more, without a solid offer. Meanwhile, their staged competition have all sold and moved on to their new lives.
Whatever type of staging you choose to do, simply do not ignore the idea all together. This will be the single worst choice you will ever make when it comes to real estate. You do not have to spend a lot of time or money, since even small improvements will pay aesthetic dividends. However, unless your home is a museum-quality showplace already, you owe it to yourself and your investment to give it an edge in the real estate market: Stage it first, then get it sold for full value.