Home staging strategies are the actual methods of enhancing a property to improve its chances of selling quickly and at the highest price. Each home has its own distinct positive and negative attributes and every house presents unique challenges for professional property stagers. By matching the right strategies to the right type of home, the effect will be fantastic; bringing out the real charm of the property and distracting from any potential negatives of the residence.
This resource section provides useful hands-on methods of implementing perfect home staging in your own house or apartment.
Purpose of Home Staging Strategies
Home staging is all about creating an atmosphere which appeals to large numbers of prospective buyers and really plays up the good points of the property. Every home has things about it which will attract buyers and other things which will make buyers think twice. Through the proper and effective use of staging strategies, the positive facets of the house will be brought to the forefront and displayed prominently for every interested buyer to see.
Likewise, proper staging helps to minimize, or even cancel, the impact of negative factors associated with the property, by diverting the buyer’s attention to more likable characteristics.
All home stagers will seek to find techniques which will make prospective buyers see the beauty in even the most challenging home. This is just one of the many tangible benefits of professional home staging.
Staging Strategy Topics
Open concept staging allows maximum visual impact of an open floor plan design and is currently in tremendous demand by buyers in all price points.
Staging small rooms requires finesse in order to make a diminutive space feel larger and more useful to prospective buyers.
When staging large rooms, it is vital to maintain a sense of proportion in all décor items so that each object can make its own important contribution to the overall design scheme.
Home staging floors may require some repair or replacement of surfaces, but can often be accomplished without any major monetary investment. Refinishing wood floors is a great way to please buyers while saving the cost of removing and reinstalling the surface.
Home staging doors will enhance the appeal of interior and exterior entrances to each area of the home.
Home staging windows will maximize light and complete the aesthetics of any room. Window treatments are a key component of good staging and can usually be created without breaking the budget.
Staging with open space creates a sense of depth and roominess in any floor plan. Never clutter the décor, but instead allow some use of negative space to maximize the appeal of the tangible room components.
Home staging with rugs is a great way to improve the look and feel of any space and is also a perfect camouflage for unaesthetic flooring concerns.
Staging architectural details will bring out the built-in attributes in any home, allowing buyers to see just how unique a property truly is.
Home staging with art and staging with furniture are the two mainstays of perfect property enhancement. Addressing proper furniture and art placement are always inherent parts of every good staging plan.
Furniture rental and art rental services can provide a variety of decor fittings on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Renting these items is far less expensive than buying them, which is why furniture and art leasing makes sense for most staging clients.
Staging with plants adds a natural element to any home and is also a very economical way to add beautiful appeal to any room.
Home staging closets must be taken into consideration, since potential buyers will open and examine every storage space in the home. Closet organizers provide a great way to make closets look their best, without major investment of time or money.
Home staging with paint is an inexpensive and effective technique that makes a big statement in the staging design. Accent walls are a perfect example of a powerful way to utilize paint within the interior home market plan.
Home staging with color must be performed with an artist’s eye, a practiced hand and a discretionary mindset, since color can make or break any room design.
Staging with moldings is a terrific way to add a high-end finish to any room.
Staging with slipcovers can improve the look of old, stained or worn furniture, while preventing additional investment in new furnishings for the staging design.
Staging an empty house is a priority, since no home should be shown to buyers in a vacant state. Remember, empty rooms do not look larger and seem to have no defined use. Vacant home staging will add life and character to any space that is not currently lived in.
Home staging vignettes will provide a perfect amount of charm in a small space, using art, accessories and small furniture items.
Of course, home stagers will also incorporate strategies which optimize the exterior curb appeal of the home, as well. Front yard and back yard staging will take high priority for many listed properties, since attractive landscaping is always a huge asset.
Guide to Home Staging Strategies
Every room in the house should be staged both on its own and as part of the whole property. Each room is a defined theme unto itself and should convey an obvious use and a pleasant environment to potential buyers. The home should have a cohesive style and a standardized palate of colors to present a uniform and soothing sense of tranquility to anyone who comes to view the property.
Remember that home staging should always be completed before listing the house for sale. This is crucial to maximize investment return, minimize sale time and aggrandize profits from the sale.
For specific strategies which will work well for you home, consider reading some home staging books, or better yet, consult with a qualified home staging consultant or professional staging service company near you. If you are serious about becoming an expert home stager, then you must get my peer-acclaimed program: Learn Home Staging.