Home styling is virtually identical in most ways to home staging. However, there are a few crucial differences which make this niche sector of the interior decorating business quite unique. Property styling has become a fantastic add-on service offering for many home stagers.
The scope of this resource section is to detail the new and fast growing interior stylist profession and educate consumers on how they can utilize real estate styling to improve the aesthetics of their own homes at a fraction of the price of remodeling. We will also detail how professional stagers can increase their business profitability by performing styling services for customers who just want a new look for a home they already love.
Interior Styling
A home stylist is a design professional who cosmetically improves the interior of a property, without performing in-depth or structural renovations. The enhancements are usually limited to altering the furniture, lighting, window treatments, floor plan and surface finishes in the home. Styling is really another word for decorating, but this specialized term often implies a more limited budget, when compared to professional complete decorating services.
Interior stylists are savvy and well-trained on getting the most bang for a client’s dollar, enacting sweeping changes in the look, feel and flow of a home, without breaking the bank in the process. Read more about hiring or becoming a property stylist.
Home Styling Versus Home Staging
While very similar in concept and execution, there is a huge difference between home staging and house styling.
Home staging is used when people are trying to sell a home and styling is used when people are planning on keeping a home.
The goals of staging are to depersonalize and create an atmosphere of universal appeal. Meanwhile, the goal of styling is to create a highly personal space, which reflects the preferences and aesthetic tastes of the current occupant. Obviously, this means a very different plan of attack for the decorating professional, as well as a very different perspective when dealing with the client.
Read more about the differences between real estate stylists, home stagers and interior decorators.
Home Styling Conclusion
Home stagers must understand the current market conditions and must identify and fully understand the target buyer demographic in order to be successful in designing a home which will appeal to buyer wants and needs. On the other hand, stylists must confer with the owner of the property and design the aesthetic changes based completely upon the family’s needs and wants in both form and function.
Both stagers and stylists must be able to produce dramatic designs, at affordable prices. However, while stagers can utilize rented furniture and art, stylists have to come up with more permanent solutions, by purchasing items to suit their designs. The one exception to this rule is when stylists are hired exclusively to redecorate a space for a particular event, in which case, rented items are the general rule.
To learn more about the many advantages of hiring an interior stylist to improve the beauty of your home, contact a qualified local service provider directly.