Eat-in kitchen staging is a sure bet to maximize the aesthetic appeal of the heart of your home. An eat-in kitchen is always a tremendous selling point, since many families love the intimate atmosphere of a kitchen which allows dining, working and companionship while cooking is in progress. Staging this area to sell is fast and easy, as well as incredibly beneficial to any real estate marketing plan. Remember, property staging is one of the best ways of getting your home sold for top dollar, as well as in the shortest time possible.
This commentary focuses on the aesthetic improvement of any dine-in kitchen space.
Eat-In Kitchen Staging Objectives
To learn the basics of staging a kitchen, please review my kitchen staging resource section. Adding staging techniques for the eat-in portion is basically a toned down version of dining room staging or a glorified version of breakfast nook staging. The eating area may be a countertop bar or can be a separate table and chairs or bench set up. Regardless of how the eating facility is arranged, be sure to follow these easy staging tips to ensure that it is charming and functional:
Be sure to stage the eating area as a dining space only. Remove any traces of a home office or work station and relocate these to a more suitable area of the home.
Do not clutter the area with extraneous furniture or accessories, but instead, keep it open, spacious and free-flowing for maximum value.
Always set the table as if a meal were about to be served. Include all the fittings needed to make the area convincing and desirable as an eating location, including plates, glasses, silverware, cloth napkins and flowers.
If the eating area is tight or confined, consider replacing the fixtures with smaller and more proportionate choices. A 3 piece bistro set will work better in tiny spaces than a ridiculous looking full table and chairs.
Eat-In Kitchen Troubles
Keeping the kitchen, and especially the eating area, clean and fresh is always important when selling your home. Although this takes some extra work, it really is only a 5 minute commitment of time, twice a day, to maintain. Get the whole family involved and this task will become easier. There is nothing less appetizing to a prospective buyer than a dirty, smelly or unkempt kitchen.
Families who are used to working at the eating area of the kitchen for homework or office work may have to get used to setting-up shop somewhere else. Remember, staging is about defining an area with a specific use in mind.
Creating multi-function areas is logical for homeowners, but is exclusionary for buyers, who will view the home as too small to allow all the things which need to be accomplished there.
Eat-In Kitchen Staging Synopsis
The small details can really make or break any staging project. In an eat-in kitchen, finding balance between the preparation area and the eating area is crucial to present a well-designed and functional space that the whole family can enjoy.
To learn more specific home staging information which will enrich the cooking and eating areas of your home, consider undertaking DIY staging or hiring a home stager to do the work for you. In the end, the wonderful aesthetic results will speak louder than my words could ever could.