A real estate agent is the leader of the sales team and is personally responsible for marketing properties effectively in exchange for a substantial commission after the closing of the sale. Finding a good listing agent is crucial to every property marketing plan and will often ultimately determine how easy or difficult it will be to sell the home.
Real estate is a huge industry with credentialed professionals numbering in the millions. There is certainly no shortage of available real estate pros to assist you when selling or renting any type of real property. Although your home sale may be just another job for some real estate professionals, it is still incredibly meaningful to you. Therefore, it is strongly advised to take your time when selecting the best listing agent for your specific needs.
This essay examines the role of the listing agent in the property sales process.
Real Estate Agent Vocation
In most areas, real estate professionals must be educated and licensed. In the United States, this is a highly regulated industry, whereas in some countries, the rules are far less stringent.
Never assume that a real estate listing agent will be able to sell your home. This is the goal, but there are many factors which could prevent the successful completion of this quest. Poor market conditions, bad sales tactics, neglectful marketing or simple over-pricing can prevent any property from being purchased for many months or even years.
This is why it is so critical to do everything you can to ensure that your home will be sold quickly and profitably. I always advise my clients to stay in close communication with their listing agents, in order to make sure that all involved parties are working aggressively towards the same destination goal: closing the sale.
Property Agents and Home Staging
Your listing agent would love to see you stage your home for sale, since this transformation will make their job so much easier. A staged home is proven to sell faster and for more money, which are both tremendous benefits for you and your listing agent. Your agent may recommend a stager to you, but be sure to interview them objectively, since their arrangement with the agent may have more to do with a nice monetary kickback than it does a solid confidence-based referral.
Always talk to your agent about the steps they intend to do to help market your property. Have them commit to some strategies and hold them to their word. Real estate professionals want you to be successful in your sale, since this will also ensure their financial success. They also really want to earn your future business, as well as your personal recommendations to friends, family and business associates.
Real Estate Agent Conclusions
Real estate sales is a tricky business. The lion’s share of revenue is typically generated by a tiny percentage of agents. These industry professionals are real go-getters and are experts at selling and renting properties.
Unfortunately, the majority of agents gravitate towards this career since the work conditions are favorable and there is not too much pressure to perform on a daily basis. Let’s be realistic, many agents are slackers. You do not need one of these agents listing your home.
List with a winner and make sure they will do their job to get the house or apartment sold as soon as possible, at or above asking price. Never forget that the commission that you will pay the agent is very large. Make them earn it. Do not feel bad about staying after your agent to really push your property. After all, the more money you make and the faster you sell, the more money they make and the faster they get paid.